NEXT! What does this EO say?

President Trump signed yet another Executive Order today showing that he really might be unaware of the 3 branches of government. What does it say exactly? You can certainly read the link from the White House, or read on for a quick summation.

So what does this next one while we were looking the other way say?

Simple. It examines every agency in the Executive Branch of government to eliminate redundancy, which it equates to inefficiency. This seems like a good reason. The Beijing & Sochi Olympics are good examples. Beijing could not have cleaned its air so quickly if they couldn’t just order the energy plants closed and moved to villages in the countryside or other villages flooded when 3-Rivers Dam was completed. Redundant agencies act as a check to balance that kind of swift power. How could Putin have imprisoned homosexuals and protestors like Pussy Riot if he had to deal with redundancies in his administration? And by all accounts, these Olympics were at least in the same league as the famed Berlin Olympics of 1936.
This last little bit is analogous to a disclaimer (for you pharma folks), a safety harbor (for you financial folks), or a fictitious declaration (for you film folks). It says nothing but slows down lawsuits while the lawyers try to make sense of it:
“(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.”

There’s nothing to see here. Just another leader consolidating power into his own hands while no one is looking. Guess there’s no one to see here, either.

About Sean Thoennes

Co-founder of mediaX, LLC, The Lotte Project, LLC & Consulting Partner with Reality.Science, Dr. Sean Thoennes has 30+ years in media, most with The Walt Disney Company. He is a frequent panelist across the country interpreting research and sharing observations of new technologies and developing trends that impact sociopolitical and psychological spheres of influence. Sean's published case study supporting application of real-world theory to the digital realm lays groundwork for the emerging field of Neo-Anthropogenic Psychology, a multi-disciplinary look at the impact of self-directed evolutionary dynamics accelerated by exponential technological advances. He also serves as adjunct faculty in Fielding Graduate University's Media Psychology Masters Program, and CCO to, Inc.
